Connecting with the Philippines via zoom

D-create’s director, connected with community art and theatre director Rosa Zerrudo from the Philippines on their first trip to Australia. D-create was then invited to share a zoom workshop for children and youth facilitators working an a performance inspired by their local river as part of the Himaya Climate Art Project they are working on. Deanna shared some physical theatre exercises that encouraged the participants to think about how they could use their bodies to express their relationship to water.

COVID lockdown project

As part of COVID lockdown D:create’s Deanna collaborated on a video essay for the Journal of Embodiment. This is now published:

Rufo, R, Ben-David, A, Cary, CA, Borland-Sentinella, D, Phillips, LG, Owen, A, Fari, NS and AmberBeckyCreative. 2020. Embodiment and Social Distancing: Practices. Journal of Embodied Research, 3(2): 3 (27:50). DOI:


Presenting the power of Applied Theatre in Bali

Had the opportunity to speak about the power of Applied Theatre work to be used as community owned process for change at the International Social Norms and Behaviour Change Communication Summit in Bali #SBCCsummit
D:create is interested in promoting development work that starts by listening to the desires of communities and using creative means to inspire, to work in partnership with people to assist them to articulate their vision and share their stories.