Brazil Residency

In 2013 D:create’s artistic director Deanna Borland-Sentinella joined UK applied theatre colleague Nikki Mailer to develop and deliver an arts program in a Brazilian favela (the portugese term for slum).  The project took place at the community organisation ACER based in the Eldorado, Diadema, on the outskirts of Sao Paulo city.

An excercise which asked participants to represent different words with their bodies.

Highlights of the project were collaborating with local Applied Theatre facilitator Tess Maddock in creating a theatre for social change and action group with young people. Through the process young people explored representing issues they faced in their community and then chose to focus on the issue of access to healthcare in community a performance named Sala de Espera or The Waiting Room. The performances were followed by a community workshop exploring whehter others also felt access to healthcare was an issue and if so what could be done.

Clube de Artes was a twice a weekly feature of the residency for children between 5-13 years. A theme of “Brave New World” was explored through art and theatre. Recycled materials were used to build diaoramas of the suburbs the children wanted to live in and puppets and roles plays were used to extend upon the theme.

The project was organised through Articulate (formally Charlotte Miller Art Project – CMAP) who place community artists in disadvantaged communities around the world.

Deanna conducted research into the work done with young people whilst in Brazil and how it could have contributed to the notion of international development through enabling a fertile functioning environment for Nussbaum’s (2011) human capabilities.  This research paper is available upon request.